Your Challenges, Our Solution

Your Challenges, Our Solution
Your Challenges

You may be looking for legal support for a specific one-time project which exceeds the competences, or simply the time that your present legal resources can allocate thereto.

You may find yourself temporarily understaffed in legal support. 

You may also be in need for a General Counsel to overview and manage your legal department or the legal aspects of your business while looking for a permanent solution.

Finally, you may be running a business finding that good business-oriented legal support is hard to get by these days. You have the experience that legal support is expensive, not always to-the-point, difficult to act upon, risk-avoiding and non-business-minded. You do realize that, as a result, you may not be taking in legal advice as you should. That is a concern - quite some examples exist of companies who are in considerable worse shape than they deserve to be, had they searched and obtained good advice.  

Our Solution:

White Mountain Business Legal can help and support you in any of the above situations. 

White Mountain has been established by Hans Meijer combining many years of international legal, managerial and ‘hands-on’ business experience. Hans knows, from his own experience, what keeps a businessperson awake at night, what kind of support a sound business really needs, and also what a businessperson for sure does not wish to be bothered with… 

Supporting your business includes writing and proposing draft contracts that reflect your intentions and desires. It also includes protecting your company's interests by critically reviewing the contracts proposed by your business partners, especially the more experienced and professional ones. In other situations, it can mean mean helping you to conceive, design & elaborate the optimal business model and to propose the contractual framework that reflects such model. And still in other cases, it means negotiating, for and together with you, that all-important business deal.

Business (&) Legal

White Mountain offers to you business as well as legal services. In the case of legal services, these will be uniquely conceived from an experienced business point of view, aimed at making business sense only. See “Services” page for examples of available services. 

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